Mundomar is an animal park located in Benidorm and designed for the fun of children, young people and adults and perfect for family visit. The park has different species of mammals, birds and reptiles with which you can enjoy a great visit, complemented by different shows and the possibility of living special experiences such as swimming with sea lions or have an encounter with dolphins, or photograph you with different animals.
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Animal Experience: the experience in detail

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If you’re going to visit Mundomar, you should know…

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What it is like to be a Mundomar keeper for a day

The most impressive mammals at Mundomar

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Frequently Asked Questions
At Mundomar Benidorm, we don’t only worry about our visitors and them having an unforgettable experience – we also worry about our family of marine and exotic animals, which is getting increasingly larger. One of the most important tasks that we undertake at our animal park to this end is to care for and work towards the conservation of some species that are in danger of extinction – species that we care for at our park with much love. We are proud to be conserving and protecting animals like the ruffed lemur, one of the planet’s most threatened lemuriform primates, and we are likewise proud to watch on as the group gradually grows in size.
In addition, through our sea lion, parrot, and dolphin shows, we aim to make both adults and children aware, in an enjoyable and fun way, of the vital need to care for (and keep clean) the habitats where animals live – as well as the need to protect the environment.
At Mundomar, we take pride in the fact that our park is home to more than 30 different animal species. Whether they be mammals, birds, or reptiles, we have a great variety so that little boys and little girls can learn all types of curious facts about them while likewise learning to respect all species equally and to take care of the ecosystem that surrounds them.
Dolphins and sea lions in the aquatic environment, parrots and other exotic bird species in the air environment, and coatis, lemurs, turtles, and a great number of other animals in the land environment will accompany you through this experience that is full of knowledge and fun for the little ones and the not so little ones alike.
We were children too once, and we know what it is to see an animal and want to pet it and interact with it but not be able to. That’s why, at our animal park for children, we don’t only offer a show for the animals to be seen; instead of just looking, we want our visitors to be able to learn with our animals.
At the Mundomar Benidorm park, we offer activities and experiences for our visitors to be able to observe the animals much more up close and even interact with them. You can become a trainer or keeper for a day, swim with the sea lions, and/or enjoy a dolphin encounter. This is the perfect opportunity to appreciate the true charm of these animals from a distance that is so close that it will amaze you. It’s ideal for both children and adults to have their first contact with exotic wildlife, learning to love and respect it.