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In view of the latest international events, and given the extraordinary measures that are being adopted throughout the world in relation to covid-19, we at the Santa-Maria Group have considered it appropriate to adopt a position of responsibility and commitment to our clients and employees, temporarily ceasing leisure activities in our companies in Benidorm until the situation is resolved.

For all these reasons, and in accordance with the guidelines set out by the health and government bodies, the different companies in our group will cease their activity in a preventive manner. This considered and consensual decision has been taken from our desire to minimize the risk to our customers and employees after the rapid spread of the virus, since, for our group, security is the highest priority.

Likewise, we wish to send through these lines, a message of encouragement and confidence to the people who are suffering the consequences of covid-19 while we appreciate the work that all organizations, professionals and institutions do every day in order to find a solution to the problem. Finally, we would like to ratify the commitment we have made through this measure to our staff and clients to guarantee their health and well-being.

We thank all of them for their trust and support.

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