
Macaws are a genus of birds in the parrot family (Psittacidae), the order of Psittaciformes, comprising 14 species (six of them extinct) from America, living from the jungles of Mexico to northeastern Argentina, approximately . They feed on insects and berries and live in trees.

17 species of macaws (23, if considered extinct), divided into 6 genera, being the largest genus Ara (initially this genre containing all other species, and in some books and sites still listed as recognized gender sole).


Ara macao





Danger of Extinction

Amenazada (vulnerable)


The red macaw, scarlet macaw, macaw red or scarlet macaw (Ara macao) is a large, colorful bird, belonging to the parrot family (Psittacidae).

Measured between 81 and 96 cm long and weighs 1060-1123 g. Male and female adults are generally red, with blue on the lower back. The tail is red with a blue tip. On the wings there are yellow feathers, which may have a green tip. The top of the peak (upper jaw) is clear with a black spot on each side at the base. The lower part of the beak (lower jaw) is black. Among the lower jaw and the eye is an area of white skin without feathers. The eyes are yellow.

Customs, food and habitat:

Its distribution covers a vast territory ranging from tropical rain forests of southern Mexico to northeastern Argentina, from 0 to 1000 m. However, habitat destruction and capture for trade have contributed to who is currently endangered, having disappeared from many areas of their original range; so that is extinct in the wild in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Colombia.


17 species of macaws (23, if considered extinct), divided into 6 genera, being the largest genus Ara (initially this genre containing all other species, and in some books and sites still listed as recognized gender sole).

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