The sun or solar parrot parakeet (Aratinga solstitialis) is a species of bird in the psitaciforme parrot family (Psittacidae). It comes from South America extending from north to south of Brazil.

Sun Parakeets
Aratinga solstitialis
Aratinga solstitialis
Danger of Extinction
Amenazada (vulnerable)

Young specimens show a predominantly green plumage (distinguished yellow, orange and reddish tail, abdomen and head obtained with the maturity). No sexual dimorphism.
Customs, food and habitat:
They eat all kinds of fruits and small seeds. They measure 17 to 30 cm, with a weight of about 120 g.
These birds are very domestic and often easily raise both wild and in captivity. The couple usually attached lifetime. Lay eggs 3 to 5 with a 24-day incubation. In most cases hatch three of the four or five eggs laid and although parents are first-take along very well all the chicks.