Mundomar’s first meerkat is born

Mundomar, the Wildlife and Sea Park is happy to announce the arrival of a new family member, with the birth of the first meerkat to be born at the Benidorm nature complex since their arrival.
Meerkats are small animals, who have won over many friends, both young and old, since they first arrived at Mundomar. They are well known from characters in cartoons and provide moments of light-hearted fun. These little creatures are naturally curious and sociable. Nevertheless, breeding is a more difficult business. In fact the new arrival at Mundomar, the first of its kind at the park, was not even noticed by park staff for the first few days, since these animals stay in their burrows for a couple of weeks after birth. The baby is thus no more than a few weeks old.
Being the Mundomar meerkat family’s first new member means that there was great expectation, leading to much attention from the whole clan. After feeding off its mother’s milk for the first few days it was in the burrow, it now eats solid food and can be seen, to the delight of visitors, given the size of this very special new-born creature, which measures no more than 15cm at birth
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